Sunday, September 4, 2016

Bunny personalities

Aside from everything generally wonderful about bunnies, each little fluff is independently fantastic!  One of the best things about having multiple bunnies is seeing their adorable differences. How they eat, which toys they prefer, even how they respond to noises can be unique.

Breakfast at our house is a good example.

Beelzebub gets so excited he will dart back and forth jumping up the side of his playpen.  A few times he's actually climbed up its wall - all four paws in the mesh!  (He hasn't mannaged to get out just yet - I'm still waiting for that day.)  He dives into his breakfast dish, often knocking pellets out with his front feet.

On the other hand, Levithan is casual about breakfast.  We have our little routine where he gets exactly two pets and then takes his papaya* out of my hand. He hops off into a tunnel to eat, and usually doesn't bother looking at his food bowl until later.

Left: Beelzebub's uneaten pellets all over the tray. He even tracked some hay in there.
Right: Leviathan methodologically ate from one section at a time. 

*Not a necessary part of a rabbit diet.  Levi's fur is long and rabbits lick themselves clean like cats.  The enzymes in papaya help for him avoid possible tummy trouble.

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