Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Ask a bunny: Leaps and bounds!

"How fast can bunnies run/jump?"

Way faster than even the fastest hominz! We're actually faster than polar bearz and roadrunnerz.  Zoom zoom!

There's lots of different kindz and sizes of bunnyz so some of us are faster than others.  Harez and jackrabbitz are the most fast, sometimes up to 80 kilometers an hour!  

I can run about 10 meters in a one second.  That would be more than 35 kilometers in an hour!  But I would never actually run for that long, I'd get really tired. And thirsty. And probably lost. Levi is better at directions than me.

What makes us really good at running is how zig zaggy we can be without loosing speed! That helps us win at tag even if the other animalz are faster than us.

Beelzebub, Bunnyographer
It depends: 
-Are there treats involved?
-Does someone want to clip my toenails?
-Are we supposed to go to the vet?
Then I can easily outrun the humans!  Sometimes they catch me off guard though.  Or use corners to their advantage. Or I'll hide from them in a box - and they'll just pick up the box because they're so much bigger than me.

We are very good at jumping!  In some places there are even competitions for rabbit jumping.  It's sort of like the ones with horses, but the hurdles are lower. 

Our back legs are strong so rabbits can jump very far in just one hop!  The farthest rabbit jump that people have seen is three meters in a single bound.  Pretty impressive when you think about how short we are!

Leviathan, Bunnyologist

PS: Let's say maybe you had this tortoise friend right?  And maybe that tortoise was getting teased for not being so good at sports. You might not always try your hardest during a friendly race, you know what I mean?

If you have a rabbit related question feel free email the bunnies directly at bunny.questions@gmail.com!

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